Legal form
De Bont Advocaten is the trade name of Eudaimonia B.V., a private company with limited liability, having its registered office in Breda. This company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Breda under number 18025467. The VAT identification number is NL0062.25.457.B.01.
Click here for the general terms and conditions
Professional liability insurance
De Bont Advocaten is insured against professional liability with Zurich, under policy number 638089700. This includes an excess of € 5,000.000 per claim and a maximum cover of € 5,000,000.00 per claim per annum. The general terms and conditions of De Bont Advocaten include limitations of liability. For instance, the liability is limited to at most the amount that is covered by the professional liability insurance. The insurance is only applicable to claims that are filed and/or instituted before a court in a Member State of the European Union, and to the extent that the law of a Member State of the European Union is applicable to the relevant claims.
Complaints procedure
As outlined in the general terms and conditions, the firm has an internal complaints procedure with a complaints officer. If the parties cannot reach a mutual solution then the complaint is submitted to the Disputes Committee for the Legal Profession. In case of disciplinary complaints regarding activities performed by De Bont Advocaten, De Bont Advocaten will, where required, inform its client of these complaints procedures at the Dutch Bar Association.
Rules of professional conduct and practice
Our lawyers are registered with the Dutch Bar Association (Neuhuyskade 94 in (2596 XM) The Hague, Tel. 070 – 33 53 535, They are bound by the rules of professional conduct and practice applicable to lawyers. You can find these on
Our rates
The lawyers of our firm basically perform their services per hour and use differentiated rates. That is why it is essentially not possible to agree on a fixed price per service. In exceptional instances we sometimes deviate from this line. Per case arrangements are agreed on with the client as to what lawyer or what lawyers will act in his case. In addition an amount of 6% of the fee is charged on account of office expenses as well as disbursements that are incurred specifically for a case (court fees, couriers expenses, travel expenses, costs of third parties relied on for assistance, and the like). 21% VAT is charged on our services. Costs are charged for an initial preliminary meeting (intake meeting), unless expressly stipulated otherwise.
Foundation Management Clients’ Funds
For the benefit of the receipt and payment of funds meant for clients or third parties De Bont Advocaten has a Foundation Management Clients’ Funds, known as Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Eudaimonia (“Foundation Management Clients’ Funds Eudaimonia”).